Saturday, April 27, 2013

Feeling Motivated

It's been a few months since I've looked at it, but today, I decided to use my down time to work on the 1st chapter of my second draft of one of the books I'm working on. I'm very pleased with it, so far, and am hoping to make time to work on it over the next couple months to complete my second draft for my friend to edit.

I'm wanting to start taking my writing more seriously. I have a few other first drafts hiding around my house, that I'd like my friend to look at. Those ones are for smaller books. Once their polished up and ready, I plan to add my own illustrations to them. I do hope to publish them someday. Preferably someday soon.

I'm also planning to start up my crafting again and hopefully earn some income from that pursuit. I've got some ideas brewing in my mind and heart, and pray that they will come out at least somewhat close to what I am envisioning.

Resting has been very good for my body, and I plan to continue doing as much of it as possible over the rest of these next few weeks. Although tomorrow, I'm hoping to make it to Blessing #3's very first game. I'm so excited to see him play.

Blessing #5 has been doing great and is already more and more awake, observant, and strong. I'm trying to take as much in as I can. I know all too quickly, he'll be more and more active and eventually all grown up. Blessing #1 isn't all grown up, yet, but there are certainly days when I feel like she is and like I'm so close to losing her. I'm definitely the George Banks in my marriage. (Father of the Bride)

I'm not looking forward to my husband going back to work at the end of his paternity leave. For one, I really think Blessing #4 is going to have a melt down. He has been every time his daddy goes somewhere without him, this week. I know he'll get over it, but it still breaks my heart. My husband has a great job and he is awesome at it. For the most part, he is pretty happy and that does make me happy. I'd still rather have him home, though. Sometimes it's hard doing what has to be done. I'm just thankful that he does get paternity leave and pray that it will be a smooth return to the usual routine, for all of us.

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