We started back to school this week and so far things are going well. I get up with the girls and walk them out to wait for the bus. Most days, I've done a devotion and prayed with them. Then, while the boys are still sleeping, I get other stuff accomplished. (This has truly made my days much more pleasant.)
Blessing #1 is mostly loving school, from the sounds of it. She doesn't understand why the girls and boys don't play together, though. It frustrates her when she wants to do something and her friends don't want to, but also make her feel like she can't go play with the ones who are playing what she wants to, because they are boys. Ick! hahaha I told her to play what she wants, with whoever is willing to play it.
Blessing #2, however, isn't so sure how she feels. School is going well and she likes it ok, but she is considering that, maybe, she'll just do this semester. My plan is, to have her make a pros and cons list about school, over the course of the semester. Near Christmas break we can go over it and see what she is liking and what she isn't, as well as why. That way, whether she chooses to come home or stay there, she'll be doing it for the right reasons. It may be that her cons are all pretty small, even if there are more of them.
As for the boys, lessons are going great! They have been amazing about sitting down and doing our core stuff together. We don't always get to everything, every day, but we always get the main stuff done and they are doing a good job with all of it, as well. In fact some stuff we are already ahead in! We've been able to go to a lake and the zoo this week, as well as starting sports, so it has been very busy. Had plans for today, but the rain came, so we're trying to catch up on activities.
Actually, in all honesty, right now they are trying to see who is the better fighter. I could step in, as I usually do, however, I'm not. I am, on the other hand, seriously considering doing as my grandmother would do and throwing them outside and locking the door until they get it all out of their system.
And now they are done... One, with tears streaming down his cheeks, curled in my lap. The other, storming out of the room angry and prideful. So much to learn that doesn't fall under core concepts. For now, I shall love on the one, who appears to have lost the battle.
As I said, so far so good, but that doesn't mean perfect!
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