Saturday, September 7, 2013

One Reason We Homeschool

Such a wonderful day today. Waking to my jolly, playful baby. Though, I would not have woken up on my own, it was pleasant to snuggle with him. He was able to peacefully return to sleep after a bit, but I was up for the day. Downstairs to get things tidied up before the tornado, I call my children, arrived.

Blessing #4 was the first to join me. Since it was quiet, and I felt sure the others would be asleep for a while longer, we went out to tend the farm. Fresh water for the chickens and the turkeys. No egg collection, since the hens were still sitting. Then off to the garden to clear around our beans and check on our other plants. Hoping to actually get other things. We have a lot of sunflowers growing. Most of them must've been planted by the birds. I'm hoping to make a lot of sunbutter with them.

Overjoyed by my return, Blessing #2 handed Blessing #5 over to me. "He's been crying for an hour!" She claimed. "I was only outside for about a half an hour."

"Time to make waffles!" She said excitedly. We are trying a new thing, where the girls plan the meals for 2 days of the week and it is their pleasure to try to make the meals themselves, with mom and dad standing by ready to assist. We made enough waffles to sticks some in the freezer for another time.

When breakfast was had, this clever little lady, decided it was time to start prepping for pizza rolls. She had decided to make homemade pizza rolls, which we later decided to just make mini pizzas. I pulled up a recipe for her and realized, she was right. The dough would need some time to rest! Away she went, to get it all put together. And away I went, to get Blessing #1 going on school work. By the time we were all done getting the little pizzas ready we had enough leftover to freeze some of them as well!

That's pretty much how our morning went. Cooking with Blessing #2, while #3,4, and 5 all played, and #1 did school work. Blessing #1 has been so good about getting her school work done this week, though, and didn't seem to mind.

Once lunch was over, we left the mess, even from breakfast, and continued on with lessons for both girls. I did manage to get out to the bank and to pick up antibiotics for Blessing #1. I'm not a fan of antibiotics, having taken WAY too many in my youth. I even considered not bothering, but decided, this once, I would go ahead.

Today, the girls got to do art lessons. I even sat down with Blessing #1 and did the lesson right a long with her. It was pretty fun.

 Blessing #1's
 Blessing #2's (Hers is a cave drawing, but it is really hard to see what she drew!

Blessing #1 got  to make dinner tonight. She did pretty good prepping her veggies for her chicken lo mein. Her dad stepped in to help her with the rest of her meal making. It was pretty good stuff.

More school work for all 3 of the older kids, after dinner, along with some kitchen clean up. My husband decided that it was a good night to make some peach jelly, also. So we paused the clean up and got it made! Pretty excited.

The one thing that was "rough" about today, is that Blessing #5 must've figured out that a lot happens after he goes to bed, because he doesn't want to anymore. At least not at his normal bed time. In fact, he just woke up again!

(Look, I used lots of pictures this time! ;D )