Sunday, May 26, 2013

Glad to be Where I Am.

As usual, I have no pictures to post. I've been so horrible about taking them. Don't worry, I do have some of the baby and even my other kids. But none from my activities for today.

We had a great time at church this morning, where I actually got to "mingle" with many other grown ups, while my kids played. Blessing #5 was passed around for the first time and I was able to line up one of the ladies to hold him on the days I sing. I also got to hold my friends little one who is a couple weeks younger than Blessing #5. Even though she was fussy, it was sweet. She is so much smaller than Blessing #5, but he was a "big" baby.

This afternoon I joined some other friends for a beach day. The kids all played for HOURS. They caught fish, a snapping turtle (actually the men caught that.) and a muck turtle. Today was about getting the beach cleaned up and ready for the summer time. We don't live close to family. In fact, we haven't since my husband graduated from basic training years ago. And though I've made a few friends here and there over the years, I know we are right where God wants us. Through my friends, God has built a family around mine that I haven't really had. There is no telling what will happen when we get together. There is just the knowledge that there will be plenty of love, laughter, and joy. These people are a great people. Always ready for an adventure, willing to help out, and always doing whatever they can to be a blessing to those around them. And to me they have been a great blessing. It's not just one group of people, but 2. My church family and my bible study family (I can't think of another name for them right now.)

I have been so blessed since we moved here. We have a wonderful property. I've made more friends than I've probably ever had at one time. I've found a great church. I teamed up with terrific midwives for a beautiful home birth experience. Our homeschooling choice has becoming quite the adventure. And so much more. I'm thankful for where we are, the people around us, and the things we have going on in our lives.

With all that is happening in the world around us, I've no doubt there is a God. I see His blessings in our lives every day and in the lives of others. I pray that I can be more of a blessing to those around me, especially those who need Him the most.

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