Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Caught Up

Finally my girls are, pretty much, back on track with their lessons. I still need to help them get caught up with Science, which is not too bad and they have health and character to work on. I'm hoping that by the end of today, we will be all caught up. This will make "school" and life a lot more enjoyable for all of us. I've got the rest of this semester all written out in each of their planners so they know what they need to be doing each day and I've given them permission to get ahead where they want to.

All our library books are back at the library too, which is another weight off of my shoulders. I hate when we borrow books and then get so busy that the weeks fly by and it is time to return them. I would like to have a routine of going to the library weekly, but we just haven't gotten there yet. Sounds bad with us being homeschoolers.

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to catch up on my house cleaning and meal stuff. 5-6 more weeks and this little one should be here! Hopefully with everything caught up, we can all stay on task and still have plenty of fun. So much more free time when things are caught up, at least for us.

I plan to catch up Blessing #3 with preschool over the summer, so he is on target for starting Kindergarten this fall. I feel as though all this catch up the girls and I have been doing has really hindered what I've done with the boys. We're pretty relaxed, too, so it's not that we need a break!

It has been a wonderful day and I'm so pleased with them, though. Seeing the improvements in Blessing #1's handwriting since we started doing handwriting lessons at the beginning of the semester. And her use of proper capitalization has improved as well! Blessing #2 is starting to pay more attention to directions, realizing that she can fly right through the work a lot better when she does. Otherwise she makes mistakes and has to correct them. I don't always acknowledge these growths, but the truth is each little growth is important enough to let my kids know, I see them. The way their eyes lit up today when I told them some of the things I noticed and was pleased by, warmed my heart and reminded me of one of the reasons why we homeschool. Even though it is often a battle, a struggle, and I often think I should just give up. I'd have a cleaner house, my boys would have more attention, and I'd have more time to do my thing if I did. But then, there are reasons I've chosen to take this route and even though I don't always see the rewards of it, they are there. Growth is happening. And it is all well worth all that I "give up" to make this possible.

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